
美国留学 美国纽约州立大学石溪分校

2017-11-03 15:58:00




  The State University of New York at Stony Brook (also known as Stony Brook  University or SUNY Stony Brook) is a public sea-grant and space-grant research  university located in Stony Brook, New York in the United States. It is part of  the State University of New York (SUNY) system.The university owns Stony Brook  Medicine, co-manages the Brookhaven National Laboratory, in 2005 acquired land  for a Research & Development Park adjacent to its main campus, and has four  business incubators across the region. The university has a regional economic  impact of over $4.6 billion annually accounting for nearly 4% of economic  activity in eastern Long Island and research expenditures that have surpassed  the $200 million mark annually.Stony Brook is the largest single-site employer  on Long Island. More than 24,500 students are enrolled at the university, which  has over 14,500 employees and over 2,400 faculty.Stony Brook has a number of  athletics teams. The Stony Brook Seawolves are members of the America East  Conference and the Colonial Athletic Association competing at the Division I  level of the NCAA since 1994.



  Stony Brook University, a SUNY flagship, was established in 1957 as a  college for the preparation of secondary school teachers of mathematics and  science. The first campus was located in Oyster Bay, Long Island, on the grounds  of a former Gold Coast estate. In 1962, a new campus was built near the historic  village of Stony Brook on land donated by local philanthropist Ward  Melville.

  Stony Brook University Mission StatementThe University has a five-part  mission:to provide comprehensive undergraduate, graduate, and professional  education of the highest quality;,to carry out research and intellectual  endeavors of the highest international standards that advance knowledge and have  immediate or long-range practical significance;to provide leadership for  economic growth, technology, and culture for neighboring communities and the  wider geographic region;to provide state-of-the-art innovative health care,  while serving as a resource to a regional healthcare network and to the  traditionally underserved;to fulfill these objectives while celebrating  diversity and positioning the University in the global community.

  纽约州立大学石溪分校是纽约州立大学的旗舰学校,成立于1957年,是一所数学和科学中学教师的大学。第一个校园位于前黄金海岸地产的长岛蚝湾。1962年,在当地慈善家梅尔维尔捐赠的土地上,在历史悠久的石溪村附近修建了一个新校园。作为纽约州立大学体系的一部分,大学发展迅速,现在被公认为是全国重要的学习和学术中心之一,为了能够更好的执行1960年州政府董事会授予的使命,  即站在全国最好的地方。大学校园位于曼哈顿以东约60英里,蒙托克角以西60英里处。距离南岸的大西洋海滩和东区的葡萄园只有很短的距离。石溪大学坐落于长岛北岸1,039英亩的地区,四季气候温和,靠近大西洋和长岛峡湾。



  The State University of New York at Stony Brook was established in Oyster  Bay in 1957 as the State University College on Long Island (SUCOLI), by the  governor and state of New York. Established almost a decade after the creation  of New York’s public higher education system, the institution was envisioned as  a college for the preparation of secondary school teachers.

  纽约石溪州立大学成立于牡蛎湾在1957年为州立大学长岛,由州长、州纽约。在纽约公立高等教育体系创立近十年后,该机构被设想为一所中学教师的准备学院。伦纳德·K·奥尔森被任命为该机构的第一任院长,并对斯托尼·布鲁克校区后来的教职员工和计划工作起到了重要作用。SUCOLI  在威廉·罗伯逊种植场的场地上开设了一个148名学生的就职班。这些第一批学生是免费入学的。1961年是第一次,第一次开学时授予了三十名学生的学位,并且大学被任命为第一任校长,约翰·弗朗西斯·李。那年晚些时候,由于关于奥尔巴尼大学和中央政府未来的政治和官僚问题,李留下了这个问题。然而,李完成了他的首要任务重塑大学从一个有限学位的技术科学和工程学院选择到一个全面的大学文科课程。


  In 1960 the Heald Report,[20] commissioned by Governor Nelson Rockefeller,  recommended a major new public university be built on Long Island to stand with  the finest in the country, a report that would ultimately shape most of the  University’s growth[21] for years to come.The campus had 782 students enrolled  in 1962, and by 1969 enrollment had increased more than tenfold, surpassing the  8,000 mark, fueled by the large funding of public higher education in the  Sputnik era.

  1960年,校长纳尔逊·洛克菲勒委托的综合报告建议在长岛建立一所重要的新型公立大学以在全国最好的地方站稳脚跟,这个报告最终将形成大学未来几年大部分的大学将如何发展指明了方向。石溪大学西校区Staller艺术中心Ward  Melville是萨福克郡西部Three  Village地区的慈善家和商人,捐赠了400多英亩的土地用于州立大学的发展,1962年该机构搬迁到石溪,并正式更名为纽约州立大学石溪分校。最近,它采用了短名称斯托尼布鲁克大学。校园有782名学生在1962年入学,到1969年入学率增加了不止十倍,超过了8000人大关,通过公立高等教育在人造卫星时代的大资金推动。1963年,综合报告发表后三年,总督委托健康教育专业报告。该报告概述了扩大大学系统的必要性,为国家的未来需要准备医疗专业人员。这个报告对斯托尼·布鲁克来说特别重要,因为它建议在校园里设立一个健康科学中心和学术医院,以满足当时在纽约发展最快的县(拿骚和萨福克)的需求。







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