

2017-10-13 14:45:00




  Thinking the Future,The Excellence Initiative of the German federal and  state governments provided a huge boost to the further development of RWTH  Aachen University. The institutional strategy on which the successful Excellence  Initiative application was based has, in the meantime, been expanded to form a  long-term strategy to strengthen all the areas of the University and enhance  their profiles. In the process it has gained great momentum, which can be seen,  among other things, in the extensive building activities.Visible evidence of  this is the RWTH Aachen Campus that is being developed in close cooperation with  industry and which is to form one of the largest research campuses in Europe.  Students and employees of RWTH Aachen will benefit equally from these  developments and are expressly invited to get involved in shaping the individual  initiatives.The many stimulating ideas already have an impact on the whole urban  region of Aachen and the entire tri-border area of Germany, Belgium and the  Netherlands. An innovative knowledge community is evolving that is closely  networked with some of the world’s leading research and industry partners.RWTH  Aachen is a major driving force behind this development. And Aachen, as a  liveable and lovable city at the crossroads of three cultures, provides an ideal  environment for this creative process of development.RWTH Aachen graduates  learning together Peter WinandyRWTH Graduates in High DemandWith its 260  institutes in nine faculties, RWTH Aachen is among the leading European  scientific and research institutions. 44,517 students in 152 courses of study  are registered for the winter semester of 2015/16, including 8.556 international  students from 128 countries. Teaching at RWTH Aachen is first and  foremostapplication-oriented. Its graduates are therefore sought-after as junior  executives and leaders in business and industry.National rankings (de) and  international assessments attest to the RWTH graduates’ marked ability to handle  complex tasks, to solve problems constructively in team work and to take on  leadership roles. It is therefore not surprising that many board members of  German corporate groups studied at RWTH Aachen.Research Centers, Collaborations  and PatentsThe work of the research centers of RWTH Aachen is closely oriented  towards the current needs of industry. This leads to numerous developments that  are patented and utilized. The competence centers of RWTH Aachen achieve very  effective cross-subject, inter-faculty collaboration in interdisciplinary  networks while maintaining a high level of specialization and differentiation  into distinct subject areas. This was also the deciding factor for international  research institutions, such as Microsoft and Ford, to be set up in the Aachen  regionThe University’s innovative capacity is further reflected in the high  number of business start-ups (currently more than 1,400). As a result, around  32,000 jobs have been created in the region in the last 25 years.Furthermore,  RWTH Aachen is the largest employer and education provider in the region. It  will continue to play a decisive role as a driving force in influencing and  shaping this high-tech region in the future.

  思考未来!德国联邦和州政府的卓越倡议为进一步发展提供了巨大的推动力,亚琛大学正在发展。在此基础上,成功的优秀计划所采用的制度策略已被扩展,形成了一项长期战略以加强大学的所有领域,并加强他们的档案。在这一过程中,它获得了巨大的发展动力,在广泛的建筑活动中可以看到它。可见的证据是,在与工业密切合作的情况下,正在发展中的亚琛大学将成为欧洲最大的研究校园之一。学生和亚琛的员工将从这些发展中得到平等的利益,并被明确邀请参与制定个人计划。许多激动人心的想法已经对亚琛的整个城市地区和德国、比利时和荷兰的整个三边区产生了影响。一个创新的知识社区正在发展,它与世界上一些领先的研究和工业伙伴紧密地联系在一起。RWTH  Aachen是推动这一发展的主要力量。亚琛,作为一个充满活力和可爱的城市,在三种文化的十字路口,为这个创造性的发展过程提供了一个理想的环境。Peter  Winandy的毕业生们一起学习Aachen高需求的毕业生。在其拥有的260所学院中,有9个学院,亚琛是欧洲领先的科学和研究机构之一。1517名学生在2015/16学年的冬季学期注册,其中包括来自128个国家的8.556名国际学生。在RWTH  Aachen的教学首先是面向应用的。因此,它的毕业生在商业和工业领域都很吃香。国家排名(de)和国际评估证明了这些毕业生具有处理复杂任务的显著能力,能够在团队工作中建设性地解决问题,并担任领导角色。因此,许多德国企业集团的董事会成员都在亚琛学习,这也就不足为奇了。研究中心、合作和专利:亚琛的研究中心的工作是密切关注工业的当前需求。这导致了许多专利和利用的发展。亚琛的能力中心在跨学科的网络中实现了非常有效的跨学科、跨学科的合作,同时保持了高度的专业化和分化,形成了不同的学科领域。这也是在Aachen地区设立的国际研究机构,如微软和福特的决定性因素。这所大学的创新能力进一步反映在创业公司的数量上(目前超过1400家)。其结果是在过去25年里,该地区创造了约3.2万个就业机会。此外,亚琛是该地区最大的雇主和教育机构。未来,它将继续发挥决定性的作用,在影响和塑造这个高科技地区的过程中发挥决定性作用。






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