

2015-08-01 18:04:00庆熙大学   庆熙大学博物馆

  庆熙大学(Kyung Hee University,경희대학교),是一所创办于1949年的综合性大学,是韩国最好的私立大学之一。这么一所历史悠久的大学,在校园内还有三个特别的博物馆,分别是中央博物馆、自然历史博物馆和毁容博物馆,都很值得一看,相信这也会更吸引大家去庆熙大学留学或者参观游览。下面是出国留学网 为大家整理的庆熙大学校内博物馆简介,供大家参考。

  Central Museum 中央博物馆

  The Kyung Hee University Central Museum opened its doors in 1955 and has developed into a first-class museum (designated number 193 by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism) with a focus on antiquities, history, and ethnic culture. Aside from archeological excavations and academic activities, the museum has also shaped University culture and contributed to the local community through various educational programs and exhibitions.

  The exhibition rooms include the Antiquities Hall, the Shamanism Hall, the Siberia Hall, the Special Exhibition Hall, the Kyung Hee History Hall, and the IAUP Commemorative Hall. The Kyung Hee History Hall and the IAUP Commemorative Hall house materials that showcase Kyung Hee's contributions to peace through education.

  Location: 4th Floor, Seoul Campus Central Library

  Hours: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

  庆熙大学中央博物馆于1955 年开放,并已发展成为一流的博物馆 (由文化、 体育和旅游部指定为193), 重点为古物、历史和民族文化。还有考古发掘工作和学术活动,博物馆在塑造大学文化同时也为当地社区各种教育活动和展览提供了帮助。

  展览客房包括古物馆、 萨满教大厅、 西伯利亚大厅,特别展览厅、 庆熙历史馆,世界大学校长纪念联合会厅。庆熙历史厅及世界大学校长纪念联合会厅的材料展示了庆熙通过教育促进和平。

  位置: 4 楼,首尔校区中央图书馆

  营业时间: 上午9:00-下午5:00

  Natural History Museum 自然历史博物馆

  The Kyung Hee University Natural History Museum opened its doors in 1978 to fulfill the University's founding spirit of "creating a civilized world" through research in nature. Six floors of rocks, fossils, animals, and plants collected by faculty of various fields for the past 60 years have been arranged for the easy understanding of the different stages of evolution. The museum also offers education for visitors on the importance of understanding and practicing conservation. Kyung Hee has been collecting natural history specimens since the 1940s, and the museum currently houses over 90,000 pieces, including many species that are already extinct in Korea or have been endangered for the past decade.

  Location: College of Oriental Medicine, Seoul Campus Natural History Museum

  Hours: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM

  庆熙大学自然历史博物馆于 1978 年开放,通过自然研究完成大学"创造一个文明的世界"的创始精神。过去60年里,不同的领域收集了六层楼的岩石、 化石、 动物和植物,使大家很容易明白演化的不同阶段。博物馆还为游客提供保护的重要性教育和实践。庆熙自1940 年以来一直在收集自然历史标本,博物馆目前拥有超过 90,000 件标本,包括许多在过去几十年在韩国已经灭绝或濒危的物种。


  营业时间: 上午10:00-下午4:00

  Hye-Jung Museum 慧荣博物馆

  The Hye-Jung Museum is the nation's first museum of antique maps. It houses the largest domestic collection of maps and atlases created in the West and East from the 11th to 20th centuries, as well as related historical documents and literature. The museum was the first in the nation to introduce Western maps of antiquity to objectively assess Korea's place in the world. Hye-Jung Museum's holdings provide the basis for the resolution of many territorial and border-related disputes, as well as for cartographical research.

  Location: 4th Floor, Global Campus Central Library

  Hours: 10:00 AM-4:00 PM

  惠荣博物馆是全国第一个古董地图博物馆。拥有东西方从11 到 20 世纪的地图和地图册,以及相关的历史文献和文学创造的收藏。博物馆是国内第一个引进西方地图客观地评估世界上韩国的位置。惠荣博物馆的藏品为许多领土和边界纠纷决议和制图研究提供参考。









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