

  淑明女子大学是在大韩帝国时期由崇皇室顺宪皇贵妃在1906年亲自设立的大学。作为韩国第一所私立女子大学,经过一百年多年的发展壮大,淑明女子大学已经成为韩国教育界知名的女子大学,学校文化氛围浓郁,硬件设施先进。淑明女子大学为本科生提供了几十种专业选择,包括艺术,科学,文学,社会科学,法律,音乐,经济与工商管理,美术等。下面是出国留学网 www.liuxue86.com为大家整理的淑明女子大学本科专业一览表,供大家参考。

College  Division College Division
College of 
Liberal Arts
  • Division of Korean Language & Literature
  • Department of History & Culture
  • Department of French Language & Culture
  • Division of Chinese Language & Literature
  • Department of German Language & Culture
  • Department of Japanese Studies
  • Department of Library & Information Science
  • Division of Culture & Tourism   · Culture & Tourism
College of Law
  • Division of Law
College of Economics & Business Administration
  • Division of Economics
  • Division of Business Administration
College of Music
  • Department of Piano
  • Department of Instruments
  • Department of Vocal Music
  • Department of Composition
College of Fine Arts
  • Department of Visual & Multimedia Design
  • Department of Industrial Design
  • Department of Environmental
  • Design Department of Arts & Crafts
  • Department of Painting
College of 
  • Department of Nano Physics
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Biological Science
  • Department of Matdematics
  • Department of Statistics
  • Division of Computer Science
  • Department of Multimedia Science
  • Department of Dance
  • * Department of Medical & Pharmaceutical Science
College of Human Ecology
  • Department of Family & Resource Management
  • Division of Child Welfare & Studies
  • Department of Clotding & Textiles
  • Department of Food & Nutrition
School of Global Service
  • Global Cooperation Major
  • Entrepreneurship Major
School of English
  • English Language & Literature
  • TESL Major
College of Social Sciences
  • Department of Political Science & International Relations
  • Department of Public Administration
  • Department of Public Relations & Advertising
  • Department of Consumer Economics
  • * Department of Social Psychology
School of Communication & Media

学院 部门 学院 部门