
仁荷大学 仁荷大学课程

2015-08-01 14:09:00#

  仁荷大学成立于1954年,是一所私立大学。仁荷大学被教育部和人力资源部评定为韩国最好的大学之一,其排名也在国内名列前茅。作为一所韩国的高校,学习韩语是适应留学生活的好办法。仁荷大学为其外国留学生准备了初级、中级和高级的韩语课程,并且根据水平测试的结果进行分班,以帮助学生更快更好的掌握韩语。下面是出国留学网 为大家整理的仁荷大学韩语班详情,供大家参考。

  Korean Language Course

  'Korean Language Course' is mandatory for all newly admitted international students in the first semester. It's also one of requirements for graduation. The graduate school will administer a proficiency test (Korean language placement test) to be taken by all newly admitted students in the first week of every semester. On the basis of test results, students will be assigned to a class appropriate for their level.


  韩国语言课程在强制要求所有新录取的国际学生在第一学期参加的课程。它也是毕业的要求之一。研究生院将举行水平测试 (韩语分班考试) ,将在每个学期的第一周举行,所有新录取的学生都要参加。根据测试结果,学生将被分配到适合他们水平的班级。

  Korean Language Course

  Level : ① Beginner, ② Intermediate, ③ Advanced

Level Korean language
for foreigners
Korean language 
for foreigners
Korean language for foreigners
Subject Code GRA5002 GRA5003 GRA5006
Credits No credit
Type of Subject Common subject (공통 과목)
Outline This course helps international students to learn letters and pronunciation of Korean language for basic communication skill needed to settlement and adaptation. This course helps international students to have a basic conversation for daily life, to acquire grammatical knowledge and pronunciation (phoneme), and to read and write sentences. 1. Acquire the written and spoken language discourse required for daily usage.
2. Write essays on topics needed for social life, such as ordering, asking, suggesting, reserving, searching for information.
3. Master vocabulary of 400-500 words & 50-60 sentence structures.
4. Improve the ability in comprehension and expression of the usage of grammatical structures.
5. Improve evenly all basic skills of the language proficiency.
Course Registration Graduate School will assign the course.
(Automatically registered in the INS program)
Students must complete registration by themselves 
during the designated period.
Eligibility for course registration Result of Korean language 
placement test
Less than 40% 40 ~ 79% Over 80%
Korean language course - Pass 
Beginner level
Intermediate level
TOPIK Students who have TOPIK level 3 or above don't need to take these course. TOPIK level 3 or above is needed.
Grade Pass/Fail
 All international students must take these course for graduation. This course is not required for graduation.

  Korean language for foreigners(Advanced, GRA5006) has no credit from fall semester of 2014.


  等级 : ① 初级, ② 中级, ③ 高级




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